10 Advantages of Hiring a US-Based Assistant

Two Us-based virtual assistants working on their laptops

What do Americans have in common? How can you spot an American? Let’s take a look at the realm of social media. You hire someone to do handle your posts, schedule them and talk to followers. 

That’s basic. But, what would be the American way? Being proactive and taking initiative! They would not only do what is required but also do some research and follow social media trends for content creation. 

Furthermore, they might make some strategy suggestions to increase your social media engagement. Let’s turn to communication. Someone needs to take care of customer support online and respond to e-commerce inquiries. 

Now do you just want basic copy-paste responses or do you want an extension of yourself as a business owner who will talk to customers? Bingo. Americans will go beyond just a reply but they will combine professionalism with friendliness and actively listen to understand how to best please the customer. The customer-first mentality will prevail.  

Of course, these examples also apply to everyone who works on US grounds, not just Americans. And there are definitely some common qualities that can be identified, so let’s break them down before we get to the advantages of hiring an American virtual assistant. 


Americans are known for it, and it seems everyone has a story about it when the opportunity arises. This particularly American trait can be attributed to the culture of innovation, and people are willing to take risks. In the United States, you don’t often hear that you can’t do something. Overall, this mindset encourages individuals to think creatively. 


Work Ethic

You can say what you want about Americans, but one thing is consistent: We know how to work. Americans and US-based individuals are known for their strong work ethic and dedication to their jobs. 

Some call us workaholics, but it’s way more nuanced than that. When you are raised in the United States or work here, you take on the belief that hard work and perseverance lead to success. That’s part of the US DNA, and it translates well into the business world by taking responsibility and putting in the extra effort to deliver high-quality results. 

Plus, another thing Americans are typically pretty great at? We have excellent communication skills. Check out the proof in our four pillars of communication: Open, clear, direct, and informal. Even in more traditionally “formal” settings, these four qualities tend to provide a great baseline. 

So, we have established who Americans commonly are, so you can already see the advantages of hiring a US-based virtual assistant. 

Advantages of Hiring a US-Based Virtual Assistant

Today’s business world is global and interconnected, and so businesses are increasingly looking to enhance productivity, streamline operations, and reduce costs. Virtual assistants are here to help to do just that. When it comes to hiring one, there are several advantages to considering candidates based in the United States. Let’s explore the benefits of hiring an American virtual assistant.

No Time Zone Difference

Hiring a US-based virtual assistant eliminates the challenges that occur by big time zone differences. Of course, the US has several time zones, but we are talking overseas, where you might be at your most productive, and it’s nighttime where your virtual assistant lives.

If your business primarily operates in the United States or caters to American clients, having a virtual assistant in a similar time zone can significantly enhance productivity and communication. That doesn’t mean a virtual assistant has to be available 24/7, but at least there is no major lag if there is a considerable time difference. There are plenty of benefits of real-time interactions, including prompt responses and quicker decision-making. Overall, by hiring a US-based assistant, your workflow is more efficient. By aligning working hours with the virtual assistant, potential delays can be avoided, and a smooth workflow is guaranteed. Coordination for the win. 


Effective communication is vital for a successful collaboration with a virtual assistant. Of course, when you share a language, it facilitates everything. Hence, smooth communication can foster a productive working relationship where tasks are completed accurately and on time. US-based virtual assistants will share your language understanding and will also communicate in the same direct way as you are used to yourself. There will be fewer communication barriers, and that could be an advantage of hiring a US-based virtual assistant. 

Local Networking

Hiring a US-based virtual assistant provides access to local networking opportunities. American virtual assistants have a deeper understanding of local market dynamics, industry trends, and culture in general. This familiarity can be valuable if your business caters to the US market primarily. Your virtual assistant might even offer insights, suggestions, and strategies that align with local preferences, helping you make better-informed business decisions. Furthermore, American virtual assistants might bring an existing network of contacts that can also be leveraged for business opportunities. Think of it this way: Your virtual assistant is a working pro. Take advantage of their expertise and networking skills. 


Cultural understanding is more important than you might think. It plays a key role in effective collaboration. Even when you talk remotely, US-based virtual assistants are more likely to be familiar with American culture and business practices. They understand the expectations and norms in the US business world. This cultural alignment promotes effective integration into your business. This means you’ll have a cohesive working environment. There is a certain work style that will be shared along with communication preferences and operational processes. 


A US-based virtual assistant has the advantage of being well-acquainted with general US regulations and laws. This could be crucial when your business deals within a legal framework. Maybe there are compliance requirements, data privacy regulations, and industry-related standards. So, having an American virtual assistant who understands the specific landscape can ensure that your business stays compliant. This way, you can also avoid potential legal issues down the line. When you hire a US-based virtual assistant, they might also assist in contract management or IP rights along with employment regulations that are all handled locally. 

Customers First

One of the advantages of hiring a US-based virtual assistant is their customer-centric mindset, which is aligned with the general customer service expectation in the United States. Rest assured that the American VA you’ve hired always has your best interest and those of your clients too. 

Americans are known for providing exceptional customer experiences, and US-based virtual assistants know and understand the importance of providing excellent customer service. They know how to prioritize customer satisfaction. 

Let’s dive a little deeper here. Of course, a customer-centric approach is not exclusively American, but it is often associated with US practices due to several factors. 

First, the United States has a very strong service-oriented culture that puts emphasis on providing great experiences. We can experience this every day in retail or in the hospitality industry. US-based workers are known to go above and beyond to meet customer needs. 

Additionally, to differentiate your business and gain a competitive edge, excelling on the customer front is one way to get and stay ahead. This is also true for US-based virtual assistants. US businesses also have the upper hand in marketing efforts as significant resources are allocated to fund consumer research. This establishes a better framework on how to serve and how to target customers. American virtual assistants are sure to be familiar with those practices too. 

We also cannot leave out the emphasis on relationship building. American businesses are looking for loyalty and repeat customers. This means nurturing relationships through effective communication and personalized approaches. 

Another advantage of hiring a US-based virtual assistant is that they fully get how to create a positive customer experience which includes how to answer requests and how to meet customer needs. 

To add to this point, Americans are very solution-oriented, and your VA will have this mindset when dealing with challenges. They will strive to find practical solutions to deliver the desired results and meet your expectations. This is a highly proactive approach, so expect your US-based virtual assistant to be one step ahead. 


Perfect time to reiterate this point. And we are not talking about language. Instead, we’d like to highlight how American virtual assistants typically possess strong communication skills, which are crucial for providing exceptional customer service. They are pros in articulating information clearly, listening actively, and conveying solutions effectively. Clear and efficient communication is crucial for maintaining all the above points. 


In addition to the advantages we discussed earlier of hiring a US-based virtual assistant, there is one often overlooked benefit: Diversity and inclusivity. The United States is known for its cultural diversity, with people from various backgrounds contributing to our society. By hiring American remote assistants, you get a talent pool with unique and diverse experiences. 

And there are only gains from diversity. Diversity in people means diversity in ideas, innovative solutions, and unique insights into your business. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, you can tap into the rich creativity and give your business a competitive advantage. 

US-based virtual assistants reflect that and infuse your company with a global mindset and help you navigate the complexity of a more diverse business world in an increasingly interconnected world. There is really no reason not to take advantage of this great benefit. Your competitiveness will thank you. 

Ready to Meet Your New Sidekick?

When it comes to hiring US-based remote assistants, one company stands out as a game-changer: She’s A Given. With our mission to connect business owners and executives like yourself with the most qualified virtual assistants, She’s A Given offers a unique opportunity to unlock your company’s full potential. 

We offer an unparalleled talent pool, and we pride ourselves on our rigorous selection process, handpicking the most talented candidates from a pool of great talent that are not only college-educated, and highly experienced c-suite assistants but business pros that can take your business to the next level . 

She’s A Given ensures that only the best candidates make it, and as a result, businesses are presented with professionals that possess the right skills and knowledge. Our virtual assistants are hand-selected, trained professionals, and She’s A Given offers businesses the advantage of working with pros who have undergone academic and professional training. 

Our virtual assistants are equipped with skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. Our pool of talent includes very specialized skills that could align with your specific business needs. Specialization like that means expertise and experience that could enhance the quality of your business while maximizing efficiency. 

She’s A Given is proud to deliver the highest level of service and quality to its clients, so don’t wait any longer. Start by clicking here. We’ll pair you with a US-pro virtual assistant in no time. We think you are ready for excellence.


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